Herbal Medicine: Vervain

Native to most of Europe, the Mediterranean, China, Japan, North Africa; Blue Vervain native to the northern United States & Canada. Vervains scientific name is "Verbena Officinalis," a.k.a. "Enchanters Plant."

Vervain has been used for thousands of years by European Herbalists, and extensively used as  a medicine.

In China, Vervain was implemented as a fever remedy. The Aztecs used the mashed roots for urination stimulation.

Native American tribes used Vervain for treating circulatory problems, headaches, insomnia, hepatitis, stomach aches, "fits," for clearing up cloudy urine, as a snuff to stop nose bleeds, & for stomach worms in children.

Historically Vervain has also been used in treating jaundice.

Vervain is a diaphoretic, expectorant, antispasmodic, bile stimulant, laxative, liver restorative, nervine, antiperiodic, vermifuge, anthelmintic, aphrodisiac, astringent, emetic, emmenagogue, febrifuge, galactagogue, relaxant, sedative, diuretic; stimulates urination, lactation, childbirth, & sweating.

Vervain is useful for treating coughs, sore throats, cold & flu, asthma, mental stress, migraines/ headaches, painful/ irregular menstruation, post-natal depression, bladder stones, kidney problems, biliary tract, gallstones, and jaundice.

Vervain boosts the metabolism, aids in convolescents, exhaustion & fatigue remedy, helps with early stages of fever, and is useful with gout.

Used externally, Vervain helps with eczema, wound treatment, ear neuralgia, headaches, hemorrhoids, rheumatism & pains associated, skin ailments, tooth decay & gum disease, & mouth ulcers.

Vervain in tincture form has been used for depression, nervous exhaustion, and to stimulate digestion.

 Vervain poultices have been used on insect bites, sprains, and bruises.

Vervain in an ointment has been used for eczema, wounds, weeping sores, and neuralgia.

Vervain also works in a nerve tonic, as a urinary cleanser, fever reducer, & helps to clear nasal passages.

Blue Vervain works as an expectorant, helps with pulmonary disorders, and is a natural tranquilizer.

*DO NOT USE if you're pregnant, but safe to use during labor; avoid Blue Vervain if there is a history of heart disease; do not use in a tincture to treat the liver, use in tea only; can cause nausea & vomiting in high doses*

I can see why our ancestors have cultivated it for so long.

To a happier & healthier you!

~Tanya Capps~
Herbal Witchcraft Magazine


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