Hibiscus in Medicine

Hibiscus is a well-known and popular flower used in tea nowadays, but have you considered the nutritional and health benefits you can receive from this amazing plant?

Known for its sweet and sour taste, reminiscent of cranberries, this plant originated in West Africa. Rising in popularity, the Hibiscus plant traveled throughout India, Egypt, Asia, and other various countries.

 Egyptian Pharoahs drank Hibiscus tea to beat the heat in the desert, as it contains cooling properties.

There is a multiude of uses for Hibiscus. Used in medicine for time unknown, it has been implemented to treat constipation, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, liver disease, leukemia, fevers, inflammation, infections, kidney stones, parasites, poisoning, and skin diseases (including eczema).

An oil exract can be used in topical wound care.

Not only working to support your immune system; Hibiscus has also been used to help fight chronic diseases such as Heart disease, Rheumatoid arthritis, & even Cancer.

Hibiscus works as a mood elevator. Its leaves are rich in antioxidants, its flowers contain high amounts of Potassium, vitamin A, and vitamin C.

When consumed regularly, Hibiscus aids in reducing the build up of fat in the human body, and causes lower estrogen levels. It also helps shed womens uterine lining when menstruating.


Avoid Hibiscus if you're pregnant or breastfeeding, have low blood pressure, or you are Diabetic. (Research has been ongoing in India to help TREAT Diabetes; however studies remain unconclusive; and it is highly dangerous to consume Hibiscus when on medication for Diabetes.) Stop ingestion of Hibiscus two weeks prior to undergoing surgery.

To a happier & healthier you!

~Tanya Capps~
Herbal Witchcraft Magazine

