Herbal Medicine: Motherwort

Native to Eurasia, Motherwort has been in medicinal use since at least the 16th Century.

Used in ancient medicine by the Chinese; Motherwort was believed to lengthen the lifespan.

Early Greeks and Romans used Motherwort for treating heart palpitations and depression.

There's an old tale, according to legend, of a village which received its water supply from a river which ran through beds of Motherwort. It is said the Villagers lived to the ripe age of 130 years; and one who lived to 300.

Out of all the ancient cultures that used Motherwort, the Cherokees treated nervous afflictions with it.

Motherwort is mainly used for aiding women in fertility, to promote menstruation, and to aid in expelling afterbirth. Furthermore, Motherwort helps reduce anxiety in laboring women, aids with postpartum depression, & relieves symptoms generally associated with Menopause. In fact, Motherwort got its name from its medicinal help with childbirth pains, and easing anxiety associated with childbirth.

Motherwort also aids in bringing a delayed or suppressed menstruation, and helps to relax & strengthen the uterus, easing menstrual cramps. Avoid taking Motherwort for menstrual cramps when you're bleeding heavily, as it is a blood thinner and helps promote bleeding.

Important to note:
DO NOT USE WHILE PREGNANT, as Motherwort will cause pre-term labor.

Aside from being a Mothers best friend in those first few weeks after having a new baby, Motherwort supports the Cardiovascular system. Acting as a blood thinner, it lowers blood-fat levels and lowers blood pressure.

Motherwort also helps lower fevers, and is especially good for treating illness associated with nervousness or delirium.

Motherwort has also been used for treating rheumatism, and lung problems like bronchitis & asthma. Other uses include diuretic, and sedative qualities.

Today Motherwort is mainly used in modern medicine for the treatment of nervous heart conditions, heart palpitations, and for aiding in the treatment of a hyperactive thyroid.

Chinese medicine also implements Motherwort seeds to help cool the body system.

If taken in large amounts, Motherwort can cause intestinal discomfort, diarrhea, nausea, and uterine bleeding.

I wish I had known about Motherwort in my younger days when I was having my babies!

Good to have and grow in your herb garden, I recommend incorporating Motherwort into your life.

To a healthier & happier you!

~Tanya Capps~
Herbal Witchcraft Magazine



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