Turmeric Medicinal Uses

Turmeric has been implemented as a medicinal treatment for numerous ailments and diseases for over 4,000 years; I'm surprised it didn't become accepted and recognised for its uses in medicine in Europe and America until the late 1900's.

Aside from being used as a coloring agent in foods and clothing, it has various health benefits...

Native to Southern Asian countries including Asia, India, Indonesia; and even in some of the Pacific Islands like Hawaii.

The Indians have used it in  traditional Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. Treating gastrointestinal problems, liver problems & diseases, regulating menstruation and balancing metabolism. It contains beneficial antiinflammatory properties, used for easing coughs, treating bacterial & fungal infections; and topically used for sprains, wounds, bruises, & bug bites.

Hawaiian's have used Turmeric to prevent/treat sinus infections, ear infections, and stomach ulcers.

Turmeric can be eaten both raw and cooked, chewed plain, or added raw to meals; it is traditionally made into a paste with other spices, it is the base flavor to all Indian food.

A strong antioxidant, supports cardiovascular health, aids in liver and gallbladder support, helping digestion of fats. Also helps thin the blood.

Turmeric can benefit Colitis, Crohn's, diarrhea, post giardia or post salmonella conditions. As well as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Multiple Sclerosis.

Turmeric boosts brain function, and restrains the growth of many types of cancer, including skin cancer; furthermore relieveing skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, & acne.

Talk to your doctor before adding Turmeric to your diet if you're Diabetic because it lowers your blood-sugar levels.

 Do not ingest if you're pregnant or breastfeeding, as Turmeric is a drying agent used for drying up bodily mucus.

Stop using Turmeric 2 weeks prior to surgery, as it works as a blood thinner.

To a healthier & happier you!

~Tanya Capps~
Herbal Witchcraft Magazine



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