Medicinal Uses of Honey

There are many things Mother Earth has to offer to sustain us, outside the range of herbs and plants as well.

Honey is offered to us for use.

Tracing back, humans have been using honey for over eight-thousand years. From the era of the cave man to today.

Honey is comprised of over two-hundred substances including minerals, vitamins, enzymes and multiple amino acids.

Recorded in Ancient Cultures, honey was implemented for a multitude of medical uses, including; gastrointestinal, liver and cardiovascular problems; wound care; oral health; insomnia; skin disorders; ailments of the lungs; anemia; eye problems including cataracts; and insomnia.

The Egyptians even used honey in the embalming process; also offering it to their Gods as sacred.

The Greeks drank a simple concoction of grape juice and honey to treat Gout in addition to nervous problems.

Honey was found sacred in many cultures and religions, not excluding Islam. The Prophet Mohammad himself treated diarrheal issues with honey.

Avicenna treated Tuberculosis with honey.

Scientists have been studying the properties and uses of honey for a very VERY long time. Studies have shown honey to be effective on MRSA, UTI's, and that it can help to inhibit gastritis. Used as an antibiotic, honey does not cause any abtibiotic-resistant bacterium.

Nearly all types of wounds have been found to be responsive; including but not limited to burns, boils, fistulas, and even ulcers of the stomach.

Honey is crucial to a well-maintained and healthy diet; and overall good health.

Refined sugars have been increasingly shown to be bad for us; using honey as a sweetener replacement is a very good option.

Ingesting honey has been shown to be highly beneficial to your health, and here's why...

Honey contains the following properties:

 A multitude of nutrition
Relieves acid reflux
Neutralizes alcohol toxins
Helps maintain healthy bacteria levels in your stomach
 Suppresses nausea
Balances blood sugar levels
Heals wounds and oral inflictions
 Soothes sore throat & cough
Increases fertilization ;)
Anti-fungal (*cough* *cough* treats yeast infections)

Honey really is a blessing for us humans! If you don't currently include honey in your diet and have it in your house, you should!

WARNING: Do not give honey to children under 1 year of age.

~Tanya Capps~
Herbal Witchcraft Magazine


  1. I know you will take criticism well. Especially from me! First off, this is a great informative article. There are just a couple typos,couple mis spells. I suggest an editor...And you are lucky in this respect, because you live with one! Because this is a magazine, it has to be PERFECT in its professional presentation.
    I like that you kept it brief.To the point. Bam.
    Great first article, overall.
    The purpose of an editor is to run your gem by fresh eyes that look for those little technical booboos.


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