Herbal Witchcraft: Angelica
Angelica Archangelica Native to the north and north-eastern Europe, Iceland, Greenland, Russia and the Himalayas; Angelica also grows wild in Scandinavia and north Asia. Recorded in ancient texts and implemented as medicine in Iceland for more than 1,100 years, Angelica was once even forbidden by law to steal. Commonly grown in personal gardens for the health of the home, Angelica was believed to protect against evil, illness and the plague. Angelica contains components that aid in stimulating digestion, help to lower blood pressure, regulate menstruation, aid in childbirth, ease cramps and pains related to periods and gas, help calm stomach ulcer inflammation, and relieve symptoms related to the cold and flu. Angelica is an antimitotic, antiproliferative, chemopreventative, antiulceragenic, antibacterial, antiviral, antitumor, antitussive, emmenagogue, diaphoretic/sudorific, aromatic, bitter, carminative, cordial, expectorant, nervine, stimulant, stomachic, a...